[EPFN]📲Products to sell in MX.

Pay attention to the products can not advertise.

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Welcome to issue #9 of the EcomProductFinders Newsletter by

💰 What if you will be able to access a Product drop?

📢 In case if you missed it, Last week I was sharing the product that can make you at least $30-40K in revenue. 🔗 You can read it here.

📲Products to sell in MX.

📹 Ritu explained how works the parting day with PPC

👁 Pay attention to the products you can sell and products you can advertise.

💰 What if you will be able to access a Product drop?

Finding the product is pretty hard.

Finding the product that will bring you revenue is easier than finding a product that will bring you profit.

Because many of you cannot afford to waste more time searching for products, we decided that if we get enough interest from our audience, we will be doing free product drops every week or every other week.

Please reply “interested” to this email if you are.

Here is an example of the profitability my team found yesterday for one of our clients.

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📲Products to sell in MX.

📦 I remember how back in 2016 I got over 100 orders that I had to ship to MX. And I thought I was being scammed. Nope. It was just demand.

📸 I was selling action cameras, believe it or not. And it was wild. My profit was about $50 per sale. Until I was drowning under Chinese sellers’ pressure, and that was the moment when I realized that I should not sell products that are being sold by 100 other people and I have to learn how to customize and differentiate the products. But that’s a different story.

🛒 MX shoppers are hungry for simple and generic products like supplements, skin care, electronics, toys.

🚢 They don’t have enough supply for those, and they are happy to pay for shipping.

So don’t be scared, with prior due diligence and validation of course, to launch products in MX that are hard NO GO on the US marketplace.

📹 Ritu explained how works the parting day with PPC

There is a great opportunity to turn down your PPC campaign and increase your sales, reducing your ACoS. You have to download a report from Amazon Ads to be able to see the most profitable hours for you.

And set up the campaigns based on those time frames. The downside is that you cannot automate this process with Amazon, and you have to have software for it.

Watch the full replay here or ask Ritu questions directly.

👁 Pay attention to the products you can sell and products you can advertise.

Some sellers simply don’t know that some of the products they can sell on Amazon, but cannot advertise.

It’s a surprise they will find out only when they launch the product.

Amazon Catalog policies are different from Amazon Advertisements.

For example, some radio frequency products.

Products that contain F words, here is an example:

Products that contain words with alcohol.

🚫💸 Both of those products are making a lot of sales, sellers are getting excited to have this opportunity in their pocket. Who doesn’t want a profitable products without running PPC?

🌐 But you can survive on those products only if you are running external traffic.

🔍🛒 Be very careful and attentive with those. There are plenty of products like those pretty much in each category. Just double-check prior to choosing the product to sell.

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Have you ever been at the F1 car race? I was past weekend. It’s sooo cooool.

I’ll see you next week,

