[EPFN] Tomorrow is my birthday. Here is my gift to you

Balance your life and business.

Welcome to issue #21 of the Ecom Product Finders Newsletter!

In case if you missed my last issue, here is the link ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

In this issue, I promise to inspire you to crush your sales in the next quarter!

It's just 3 things today:

๐ŸŽ My gift to you

๐Ÿ’ธ And the PERFECT strategy for working with influencers that will make you A LOT of MONEY.

๐Ÿ›๏ธ Product Drop

๐Ÿ’ธ PERFECT strategy for working with influencers that will make you A LOT of MONEY.

I found a screenshot of one of my former students who made $18K+ on TikTok in one day, using purely influencers.

Here is the strategy he used and how you can replicate it on Amazon, using Levanta with the exact same approach.

Here is ZERO PPC involved.

Step #1

Find an influencer using Levanta. All influencers there have attribution links, which means you will get your 10% back for each sale.

Step #2

Hire an influencer with the highest possible commission. This influencer should be good at creating content, with very high engagement, and should have other influencers among their followers.

You do this to encourage their followers to request a promo of your product from you. If the initial promo goes well, some of them will ask to collaborate.

When you see the success of your competitors or colleagues, you want to replicate and improve on it. They do too.

  • Ensure you have enough inventory in stock. If you are just starting out, try it with small micro-influencers to master your skills first.

  • When your sales become consistent and high, start reducing the commission for others.

Step #3


In August, you can save $1,800 by signing up with Levanta. You can make all your money back pretty quickly by following the instructions in this and previous issues.

The biggest benefit of working with Levanta is having access to influencers based on your niche and category instantly and not worrying about paying commissions to influencers because the system does it for you.

Once you find and hire the influencer through the platform, everything else is hands-free.

Sign up with Levanta, save $1,800 and scale your sales!

๐ŸŽ‰Tomorrow is my birthday!

One more year younger :-)

Here are my takeaways from the past year:

It is my 4th time having a baby and not quitting business for one day (the only exception was the day of delivering our baby Liam).

And it was not the first time the year was pretty hard.

For most entrepreneurs, there is always a dilemma between family time and business, and most of them cannot find a balance, especially those just starting out or those who have never delegated.

I have a hard stop at 5:30 PM, free Fridays, and free weekends, with the exception of webinars and trade shows.

I see plenty of parents in the industry prioritizing their business while their parenting is just sponsorship.

I managed it one more time, and Iโ€™m proud of myself and my husband. We made it work. Our baby is 17 months old, and we never stopped traveling, attending trade shows, and I did not stop speaking.

Our business is still there, and our family did not lose us even though we looked like zombies sometimes.

On each of our birthdays, my husband always asks: โ€œWhat did you learn this year?โ€

I learned AI and keep learning something new every day.

๐Ÿ˜Š Iโ€™m very scared of falling behind. I consciously have a fear of not learning and not keeping myself updated.

I re-learned how to surround ourselves only with people with the same mindset and cut those who do not share our beliefs.

I learned how to walk another mile when you are powerless. I thought I did it in the past, but in comparison, I had not.

I learned how to kill projects when you were hoping they still had some flame, but they didnโ€™t. We lost six figures last year in ads for the agency that never worked. We learned our lesson.

I learned to SAY NO to respectable people and not feel judged for it.

I almost stopped caring about being judged in general. No one really cares about what you do and how you feel. People are focused on themselves. PERIOD.

I learned not to be ashamed to ask for advice and to be on a hot seat in front of 200 people. We grow by having the opportunity to learn and implement.

๐Ÿผโœˆ๏ธ I learned about hidden niches and categories for breastfeeding traveling moms.

This year was very emotionally exhausting in a good way.

And Iโ€™m still learning how to be a better mom and a better wife.

I compare myself to myself yesterday, and not to anybody else.

Here is my gift to YOU.

If youโ€™ve never had a conversation or consultation with me in the past, here is a link to schedule one for just ONE dollar. My usual rate is $500/30 min.

Of course, it is limited.

๐Ÿ†— Product Idea to sell and launch with Levanta:

  • Based on the design, you can increase the price

  • Low cost per click

  • A well-designed product will improve conversion

  • Easy to advertise with almost any type of influencer

  • Large market capacity

  • By playing with the materials, you can make it lighter and look fancier, improving the look and reducing the weight

  • You can sell it in variations


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Thanks a lot!

ONE MORE AI Product Research and Development Challenge

Only 3 days this time

August 15-16-17 at 12 PM EST

Events you should go to:

Billion Dollar SellersCutting Through the Clutter for the World's Top Amazon & E-Commerce Sellers

Sending you happy vibes from Puerto Rico!

My phone drowned in a hot tub, so no more social media and emails for me until I come back.

Iโ€™ll see you next Thursday!

Izabella Ritz